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Presentations Available from Ambulance Safety Summit

Nov 17, 2008

Ambulance Transport Safety Summit held in Washington DC on November 7, 2008. The goal of the summit was to review and discuss transportation safety and the need for technical data so that EMS operations can make strides in providing quality patient care and safe transport.
The EMS Transportation Safety Subcommittee of the National Academies Transportation Research Board (TRB) in conjunction with the National Ambulance Transportation Safety Task Force held an inaugural at the National Academies Keck Center. The event was chaired by Dr. Nadine Levick (Chair of the EMS Transport Safety Subcommittee of the National Academies TRB), along with Mr. Rick Pain from the National Academies TRB. The goal of the summit was to review and discuss transportation safety and the need for technical data so that EMS operations can make strides in providing quality patient care and safe transport. Related presentations can be found on the NASEMSO web site. An archived broadcast of the Summit is expected to become available on the National Academies web site in the near future.