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NAEMT Provides Comment On NEMSAC's EMS Education Agenda For The Future

Feb 07, 2014

NAEMT provided official comment to the National EMS Advisory Council (NEMSAC) on its proposal to implement minor updates to the EMS Education Agenda for the Future: A Systems Approach.

The comment noted that since the publication of the EMS Education Agenda 15 years ago, many of the recommendations it contains have either been implemented; or have had significant progress made in their accomplishment. It acknowledged the significant work that has been achieved, but recognized that work will be required in the future to ensure that EMS education meets our profession's evolving needs. NAEMT also stated its belief that the EMS Education Agenda requires a major update, which should be based on “a new assessment of the state of EMS education for the purpose of establishing a new path for EMS education in the coming decades.” The comment was prepared based on feedback from association members who develop the curricula for – and teach – our EMS education courses.

Read NAEMT's comment to NEMSAC. >>