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NHTSA OEMS to Host Next EMS Focus Webinar at Noon EST on February 19

Feb 03, 2015

The next webinar in the free EMS FOCUS series hosted by NHTSA’s Office of EMS (OEMS), will feature discussion about why the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) effort to build a public safety broadband network is important to EMS systems across the nation. FirstNet board member Kevin McGinnis is a nationally recognized advocate for broadband communications within the emergency medical services (EMS) community. Together, McGinnis and Amanda Hilliard, director of outreach for FirstNet, will discuss how the development of a public safety broadband network will help EMS systems provide better patient care through expected benefits such as accessing and sharing patient information and real-time monitoring of vitals. They will also address how – and why – EMS should be involved in the planning and implementation of the network development. Attendees will be encouraged to submit questions during any point and the webinar and Q&A will last approximately one hour.

Register here.