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New TFAH Report Identifies Health Priorities and Preventive Care

Feb 12, 2013

Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) released A Healthier America 2013: Strategies to Move from Sick Care to Health Care in Four Years, which provides high-impact recommendations to prioritize prevention and improve the health of Americans. The Healthier America report stresses the importance of taking innovative approaches and building partnerships with a wide range of sectors in order to be effective. the report includes recommendations for a series of 10 key public health issues: reversing the obesity epidemic; preventing tobacco use and exposure; encouraging healthy aging; improving the health of low-income and minority communities; strengthening healthy women, healthy babies; reducing environmental health threats; enhancing injury prevention; preventing and controlling infectious diseases; prioritizing health emergencies and bioterrorism preparedness; and fixing food safety. The report was supported by grants from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and The Kresge Foundation and is available on TFAH’s website.