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Just Released! First Measures to Uniformly Evaluate EMS-Based Mobile Integrated Healthcare Programs

Oct 31, 2016

The final outcome measures document and measures workbook tool for the first two sets of measures for EMS-based mobile integrated healthcare programs has been released. Both have been distributed to EMS stakeholders to be used as a tool in uniformly evaluating the outcomes of EMS-based MIH programs.

The development of these outcome measures has been a two-year endeavor by 28 stakeholder organizations and 65 EMS program agencies and has included, countless meetings of the task force and workgroups, national webinars, face-to-face meetings at national EMS conferences and addressing over 50 recommendations for enhancement. NAEMT is grateful for the collaboration and participation of industry partners and EMS agencies in helping to create a pathway for measuring MIH programs. 

Matt Zavadsky, core team member, NAEMT At-Large Board member, and chief strategic integration officer for MedStar Mobile Healthcare (Texas) states, “Our goal in releasing these first two intervention measures, along with the workbook tool for EMS agencies, developed by Anne Jensen of the San Diego Resource Access Program, is for agencies, payers, accreditation organizations and other stakeholders to use the measures to evaluate program results more consistently. This will help demonstrate not only the value of these programs, but also allow agencies to find opportunities for improvement by comparing their results to the results of other programs across the country.” 

View final outcome measures and measures workbook >>

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