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HHS and DHS Encourage Anthrax Preparedness for First Responders

Jun 18, 2014

Among the many recognized preparedness challenges is assuring that first responders are able to quickly support the substantial and immediate efforts to protect and provide medical care to the public. In an effort to provide information relevant to first responders regarding anthrax preparedness, the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Homeland Security (DHS) have prepared a series of informational bulletins for consideration by persons authorized to prescribe medications in their state(s) of practice to provide prescriptions to first responders for a 10-day antibacterial drug supply (i.e. doxycycline) to be kept at home to ensure personal access during an anthrax emergency. Workers would obtain the remaining 50-day supply of antibacterials from state or local public health authorities via distribution plans from the Strategic National Stockpile.