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DHS Hosts National Dialogue on Preparedness

Aug 16, 2010

DHS is opening a dialogue to a broader range of stakeholders—to include individuals from the private sector, non-governmental and volunteer organizations, additional governmental partners across all levels, and the general public. The Department’s broad stakeholder community is encouraged to join the National Dialogue.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Protection and National Preparedness are hosting a National Dialogue on Preparedness to supplement the mission and recommendations of the Local, State, Tribal, and Federal Preparedness Task Force. At the direction of Congress, the Task Force—comprised of 35 local, state, and tribal members and 24 Federal ex officio members with diverse expertise in homeland security and emergency
management—was formed in April to assess the state of disaster preparedness and make recommendations for improvement throughout the nation.

The Task Force has been working on this mission since April, through face-to-face meetings, teleconferences, and web-based collaboration. In order to supplement and build upon the discussions of the Task Force membership, DHS is opening a dialogue to a broader range of stakeholders—to include individuals from the private sector, non-governmental and volunteer organizations, additional governmental partners across all levels, and the general public. The Department’s broad stakeholder community is encouraged to join the National Dialogue, by submitting feedback and ideas at:

National Dialogue on Preparedness Website will be open through August 31, and will allow individuals to propose ideas, vote on popular recommendations, and tag discussion topics. More information on the Task Force is available at: