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FirstNet Education Forums - Free Events for First Responders

Jan 26, 2019

FirstNet Association 2019 Educational Forums
Register for these FREE Events for Public Safety / Government

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FirstNet-ATTThe FirstNet Association (FNA) is proud to announce our 2019 Educational Forum series. Events will be held nationwide so we can bring the most current network and technology information to you, our Nation’s first responder. The Association is hosting these half-day sessions to ensure our nation’s first responders are included in the development and evolution of FirstNet - the first and only nationwide public safety communications ecosystem with a dedicated, physically separate network, whose core purpose is to support the first responders.

The FNA is working in collaboration with AT&T to bring the public safety community the latest information on FirstNet and to provide the opportunity for professionals to collaborate and exchange ideas. Topics discussed at the forums will include:

  • Cutting edge technology designed to make your job easier and safer;
  • Firsthand insights on FirstNet at work in the both emergency and non-emergency settings, and;
  • A facilitated Town Hall session designed to foster a robust discussion on the end-user’s needs and vision for FirstNet and the FNA.

Please join us and be a part of the growth and evolution of FirstNet, your public safety network.