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Request Funding For The SIREN Act!

Sep 12, 2019

Please contact the Senate Appropriations Committee to request their support for funding the SIREN Act TODAY. Congress is back in session only for a few weeks and they are determining now which programs they are going to fund.

Take Immediate Action

Last year, the SIREN Act was signed into law on December 20, 2018, as part of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018. The law creates a grant program for public and non-profit EMS agencies in rural areas, many of which are at the forefront of the opioid epidemic—to support recruitment, retention, education, and equipment for EMS personnel specifically in rural areas

Rural EMS agencies face unique challenges in delivering quality patient care to the communities in their area.Most rural agencies find difficulty in maintaining adequate coverage during prolonged transport times, obtaining qualified medical oversight, and are increasingly filling the gap left by the elimination or reduction of community healthcare resources. Rural EMS agencies may be the only healthcare providers in their area.

Please take action TODAY! Even if your agency does not serve a rural area, please support your fellow EMS practitioners who do! A win on funding of the SIREN Act is a win for the entire EMS community.