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Advocacy Alert! Co-Sponsors Needed for Key EMS Legislation

Jun 21, 2023

Co-Sponsors Needed for Key EMS Legislation – Take Action Now

NAEMT Online Legislative ServiceSend an email today to your members of Congress to encourage them to co-sponsor the EMS Counts, SIREN reauthorization and Medicare Extenders federal bills! EMS needs more co-sponsors to sign onto these key EMS bills so they can move through the legislative process.

S.1115/H.R.2574, EMS Counts – Ensures the EMS workforce is counted correctly. A proper count allows for EMS to be supported and funded appropriately by the federal government, especially during disasters and public health crises.

S. 265, SIREN Reauthorization – Reauthorizes the SIREN ACT to continue the rural EMS grant program. The grant program provides public and non-profit EMS agencies and fire departments in rural areas with funds to support the recruitment, retention, education, and equipping of EMS personnel.

S. 1673/H.R. 1666, Medicare Extenders - Preserves access to critical 9-1-1 emergency and interfacility ground ambulance services by extending the current temporary increases under the Medicare ambulance fee schedule of 2% urban, 3% rural and 22.6% super rural for another three years, through December 31, 2027.

It only takes 30 seconds to share your support for EMS and ask your members of Congress to become co-sponsors. The online legislative service will do all the work for you.

Take action today to advance the EMS profession!