Advancing the EMS profession

Military Medic of the Year Award

Military Medic of the Year Award will recognize a military medic* who demonstrates excellence in the performance of military emergency medicine, with their primary role being that of theater patient care.

*Military Medic – Any MOS qualified active, reserve or National Guard U.S. Army Medic, Navy Corpsman or Air Force Medic.

Monetary Gift associated with this award – DoD employees are subject to the gift-giving and gift-receiving rules contained in the Joint Ethics Regulation, Code of Federal Regulations, and other applicable laws and regulations.

Nominate: Submit a nomination for Military Medic of the Year by completing the following steps: 

  1. complete the General Information below;
  2. attach your nomination statement and up to three letters or articles supporting the nominee. Nomination statements should be up to 1,000 words and saved in Word format. The criteria for which the nominees will be considered is listed below;
  3. attach up to three (3) letters or articles of support for the nominee.

Criteria: Nominees will be considered based on the following criteria. Your nomination statement should include information on how the nominee demonstrates: 

  • excellence in providing trauma care to US casualties on the battlefield;
  • leadership in training and educating US military personnel and coalition forces in PHTLS and TCCC components; and
  • leadership in helping to enable the delivery of prehospital medical trauma care in the military in austere and dangerous environments with no immediate physician oversight.